The Art of Hosting

How do you initiate a participatory process, but have some control over the outcome?


I may be asked to assist with an existing community-wide effort in Washington State to define performance measures and targets for things such as food, health, economy, child and youth resiliency, etc., all of which would roll up to a single community outcome indicator.  An advisory group and several action teams are involved but community engagement has been limited to-date.

I'm curious to hear from folks about ways one might go about initiating a participatory process, but have some control over the outcome?  Is there an inherent conflict between participatory leadership/AoH and having an operational framework in an engagement process that will result in some reasonable action?



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Hello Paul, great question you raise!

But, if I may advice you, you might get more response by putting this question through the emaillist and/or the Art of Hosting Facebook group. Not many people check questions here, so better to ask over there (too); and maybe give the link to this page.
With love,


Thanks Ria.  Will do.


Ria Baeck said:

Hello Paul, great question you raise!

But, if I may advice you, you might get more response by putting this question through the emaillist and/or the Art of Hosting Facebook group. Not many people check questions here, so better to ask over there (too); and maybe give the link to this page.
With love,


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