The Art of Hosting

Nancy Bragard's Comments

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At 2:14pm on March 7, 2021, Judith Vindevogel said…

Hello Nancy, 21st of March will be my first ArtOfHosting-experience with the Flemish sister Organisation (I guess)

At 7:24am on March 4, 2021, Judith Vindevogel said…

Thank you for welcoming me Nancy. Just posted a photo so now you can see me :-) Looking forward to the Belgium connection of 21st of March.

Greets, Judith

At 7:32pm on February 14, 2021, Chris Sallquist said…

Thank you for welcoming me into the community Nancy. I am looking forward to exploring and connecting.


At 2:00pm on February 7, 2021, Olivia Fernandes Boretti said…

Hi Nancy, thanks for your welcome!!
Oi Nancy!! Muito obrigada pela recepção!!

At 6:19am on October 6, 2020, Jay Lightsmith said…

Many thanks Nancy. I'll add a photo now.

At 7:00pm on September 20, 2020, Kate Lawrence said…

Hi Nancy, thanks for your welcome. I look forward to joining in with the Srt fo Hosting community. Kate

At 12:14pm on May 27, 2020, Farley Sawyer said…

Thank you Nancy! I look forward to being a part of the AoH online community.

At 3:14pm on May 14, 2020, Kirsten Garbini said…

Thank you for the welcome Nancy, I am touched by you taking the time. I would love to participate in co-creating an AoH community here in Johannesburg. 

At 11:48pm on March 22, 2020, Franque Bains said…

Thank you so much for welcoming me Nancy! I'm looking forward to learning more from this community. All the best,


At 1:50pm on January 22, 2020, Martin Skulec said…

Bonjour Nancy, merci pour ton message de bienvenu. Je voudrais organiser un événement AoH dans les Alpes-Maritimes (ou PACA) cette année. Comment tu me conseille de procéder et pour trouver des personnes potentiellement intéressés par co-organisation?

Merci, Martin

At 8:06am on November 18, 2019, Laure Delmas said…

Merci beaucoup! Je me réjouis de ta venue à Nantes et de la possibilité de se recontrer, et si je pouvais assister au séminaire avec le Mouvement Participatif, et apporter une contribution quelconque, ce serait avec grande joie.

A très bientôt!


At 6:02am on November 18, 2019, Laure Delmas said…

Bonjour Nancy,

Merci pour ton message de bienvenue. Je serais heureuse d'être mise en lien à Nantes avec des personnes expérimentées dans le AoH et de rejoindre une communauté francophone.

Je vais rajouter une photo sur mon profil comme tu me l'as suggéré.

A bientôt!


At 4:54am on November 11, 2019, Hanne Fink Ferdinand said…

Thank you Nancy, I look forward to diving in :-)

At 2:34pm on September 15, 2019, Pamina Haussecker said…

Hi Nancy! Great to hear from you and happy for my ning-account to finally kick off :-)). Hope to see you again here or there. Warm regards, Pamina

At 4:09pm on August 6, 2019, Brian Dooley said…

Hello Nancy,  what a wonderful place I find here.  I am happy to be welcomed so warmly by you, and that fact that you are local is even better.  I have been Zooming with international folks and the timing is often a struggle.

I am hoping to build out my skills in helping people makes connections. My vision is a bit of a work in progress, but I feel very troubled by all this discord I see in the world, especially in the US.

I have been in variety of sales  and marketing roles in my career, and wish to put a point on my efforts by finding/generating meaningful work, and ultimately revenue.  Though, I am not certain how that would look. I am a member of the Boston Facilitators'  Roundtable, FYI.

Mostly, I seek to improve my own capacities in conflict resolution, curiosity, compassion (for self and others), and would like to help make the world a more loving place. The corporate path has been, shall I say, disappointing. 

A book that is now captivating me is "A Course of Love", which is a spiritual treatise, and some regard this as a follow-on to "A Course in Miracles."  This stuff is pretty "out there", as it's a "channeled" document, from someone who made a big dent in the universe... no name's mentioned.  I am not a religious guy, but this writing speaks to my heart. 

And, a man who's work I greatly admire (Otto Scharmer) has beautifully expressed a way forward for humanity. His approach is holistic, and involves us using our heads, hearts, and guts. It's past time for a new way.

That is all for now.  I'll LinkIn with you, as well.

Thanks again for reaching out. 



At 1:11pm on July 14, 2019, Paolo Martinez said…

Ciao Nancy and thank you very much for the warm welcome! 

I know Jean Philippe and have participated with him to two IAF conferences in Europe. We are also both coordinating respectively the French and Italian IAF chapter helping people and organisations understand the power of (good) facilitation. I will explore the space that I see is thriving and also suggest to establish future collaborations between AoH and IAF, unless they are already set-up as together we can all share more and more ideas and face complex challenges.

At 5:42pm on December 31, 2018, Lani Brunn said…

Hi Nancy,

I just received a comment on my wall that is obviously fishing spam. Is this person a member here?  I am not sure who I should alert about this. Here is the comment:

t 2:44pm on December 31, 2018, Ahmed Maris said…

Good Day,
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

At 5:28am on December 7, 2018, Liz Clarke said…

Thanks for the warm welcome Nancy! looking forward to joining in the conversations

At 6:40pm on November 20, 2018, Bruce Schuman said…

Art of Hosting is a beautiful project and concept.  I always learn from it.

Right now, I am creating a framework for co-creation at, and I am both following Art of Hosting principles, and wanting to attract Art of hosting practitioners.  

Thank you!

At 7:17pm on November 17, 2018, Lani Brunn said…

Thanks Nancy!

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