The Art of Hosting

After a very successful (and energetic and emotional) cafe for about 100 people, my clients commented that they wished there was a way to capture the energy and emotions (not just the ideas) in the plan that was generated.  We have photographs and text about the energy, etc. but I would love to have more.  Does anyone have some ideas or experiences to share?

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Comment by Ria Baeck on July 5, 2011 at 4:56pm

Hello Diane,

You might get some more responses when you would post your question also on the AoH emaillist - listserve - in case you are subscribed to it of course.

If and when you receive more answers it would be helpful to copy this conversation over to the Conversations area - one of the Categories is named: Questions meet WIsdom. I think that is the best way to place it that others can find it back later.

Best regards,


for the online hosting team

Comment by Diane MacDonald on June 26, 2011 at 12:18pm
Wow!  Thank you Katharine for these very creative ideas.
Comment by Katharine Weinmann on June 26, 2011 at 11:29am

Hi Diane,

As a way of holding space, sitting in the background, like you I often take photos and scribe some of those key words and phrases.  Then I create a movie, using Movie Maker or something similar, with the pictures, words and a non lyrical muscial background as a harvest.  We burn CDs, put it on small flashstix and gift every participant, and put it on share sites. 

I also design a visually attractive learning journal booklet - regular paper size folded in half -on powerpoint ...with pertinent quotes, watermark clip art, setups for the activities, and lots of space for personal reflections and doodling - people they meet, books and links they hear about.  It too provides a nice takeaway that "holds" the event in their minds and hearts. 



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