The Art of Hosting

Systemic Constellation as an Open Space session on the question What do we sense is emerging now?


Constellator: Our approach is letting the phenomena in the complexity emerge.


Client (Cl): I try to imagine EC in its fullness. I wonder what we did…


Constellator (Con): Are there other elements?


Cl: The theme of In & Out; and a limiting belief around hierarchy.


C: You mean people or structure?


Cl: I mean more the structure, and there is the lifeforce kicking and streaming.


Con: What could be a good outcome of the constellation?


Cl: A good outcome would be: what to do more? What needs to be released, something in the field; some kind of direction.


Con: Maybe pick one or two elements to start with, as we have only a few people to represent. Find someone for EC and one for the AoPL. Let your intuition guide you.


EC and AoPL are set up in silence, looking almost in each other’s direction, but not really.


Con (to the two representatives): Follow your impulse.


EC starts looking at AoPL. AoPL looks open, looking around.


EC: I try to stand firm. It is not easy; there is a balance problem. An inner feeling.


Con: What else?


EC: Not much.


Con: That’s also information. Where are you looking? (EC looking at AoPL and away again)


EC: I have a tendency to look around.


Con: How is AoPL doing?


AoPL: Very curious, very out there, scanning 360°C. I feel I am standing on a very narrow base. My feet are very close together – like on top of Nelson’s column - but able to look around and aware of EC. But it is not about the EC.


EC also aware of AoPL


Participant (Part): I have a funny sensation in my arm. It feels like hot and cold at the same time. The previous reported kidneys problems are gone. (she goes standing in a triangle with the two other representatives)


Con: Any changes?


EC: (EC looking at her) No change, but I notice her.


AoPL: I feel slightly more stable. More aware of a headache. …. is coming up my legs.


Part: I felt I needed the triangle. I am aware of them. Who am I?


Con: special relationship


Part: I’m feeling like a balance point – like ballast – the feeling in my arm has almost gone.


Con: So you need to be seen?


Part: I want to be part of; more than be seen.


Con: How is EC?


EC: My nervousness has I increased. Hearing her talk; it became less again.


Con: Are there any movements?


(EC moves towards AoPL; Part is adjusting her position, also moving closer to AoPL; EC looking to AoPL)


Part2: I have spasms in my arms.


Con: Please stand up and find your place.


(Part2 moves to stand behind EC, but looking outside)


 Part1: I moved to create balance.


AoPL: I am internally focused. A lot of stuff is going on inside – palpitations – as EC came closer, I felt “Oh, shit!”. I don’t feel ready.


Part2: I feel better.


Con: Did you hear AoPL talking?


Part2: I heard she didn’t want the EC to come closer. I thought you should be there. But now I am here; it is good.


Part1: I’m getting angry. Fuck, you are coming too close (EC). There is a sense of protection.


Con: (to Part1) Are you the Community of Practice?


Part1: No!


Con: or the European Council (No.) or the Member States (MS)? (Yes.)


Part2: (turns around first and then gets closer to the EC – now behind EC. The other three are still in a triangle, facing inwards) I want really support the EC. I just need to be there.


AoPL: I feel waves of overwhelm and panic. I’m not ready. I don’t have the skills, I have the good intention. Please, don’t look at me.


Con: (asks EC)


EC: It does not effect me. I feel the support in my back. My attention shifts between AoPL and the MS.


Con: What if we look at both (AoPL and MS); as a test run? Connect with your eyes. AoPL?


AoPL: I am able to look now and wanting to move.


MS: I want to move my body (swirls a bit). I’m more attracted to the AoPL. If I would have that, I would not need the EC. I want to move. (takes two little steps in the direction of AoPL)


AoPL: What the fuck is she doing!?


Part2: (opening arms wide open behind EC and coming closer)


Con: If you want to touch…


EC: Go ahead.


AoPL: When you (Part2) do that, my hearts starts to warm; my base is bigger. Good energy. Some magic happens.


EC: Something has loosened in the AoPL. I see that in her hands. And Part2 has become stronger.


MS: Not much happened. I am curious why the AoPL is so touched. I’m a little detached.


Part2: I try to attract the two (AoPL and MS). I’m checking if they are going to come closer. AoPL is more at ease, but MS doet not feel in the right place. EC has its own place, has to take its position.


Con to Part2: Who are you?


Part2: ?


Con: Shall we do some test runs or…


Part2: I feel more like a process, not ‘something’. We have to develop.


Con: Are you the life force of Europe? (Yeah…) the purpose of Europe?


Part2: It is not where we have to go. It is there; the unfolding.


Con: Are you the crisis?


Part2: No.


Part2: There is a flow of energy, up and down.


MS: I’m wondering if she is the spirit of Europe (SE)…


EC (taking two steps forward, towards AoPL, is now more in the center of the triangle formed by the three others)


AoPL: There is a rush of energy running through my body.


EC: I’m trying to get things more connected.


MS: When there is something like the soul, or the drive of Europe behind the EC, then my heart opens.


SE: Now they (all others) are in the right position.




A drawing is shown, which attempts to make a 4-dimensional picture. The triangle made by Spirit of Europe, Member States (which includes people, land, government) and Art and Practice of Participatory Leadership. And the European Commission in the middle/on top, as the host and convener to hold space for opportunities to open. In geometric terms this is a very solid structure.


The Spirit needs to be understood as a process, nothing static.


MS: I could only related to the EC, because Spirit was behind. The constellation is the triad, the three relationships, but not through the EC.


Con: Is the EC then more a host than a doer? A convener of real, strategic conversations?


EC: Yeah.


Participant: MS is not just the states, but also the citizens?


MS: Yes, it includes the people. More and more I was becoming the government.


Participant: There was much tension in the beginning; nobody was comfortable. When Spirit came in, things started to move, people could find their right place.


MS: Without spirit, things can’t move.


Client: When is the Art ready?

Spirit testing timing.

MS might get curious about the AoPL! How to respond?

AoPL was also moved by Spirit.

When MS came in, EC started coughing.

Our next step: how do we back up the EC – sourced from the future – something that is coming in?

Does the Spirit of Europe move the Member States to inquire about the Art of PL?

EC holds space where MS and AoPL and Spirit meet.


MS: EC could connect the AoPL and MS.


Participant: Holding the space, convening is a balance of masculine and feminine. How am I hosted when I am entering a building? It is about host as being, instead of host as doing.

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