The Art of Hosting

Invitation storytelling around the fire and harvest of the AoCollLeadership 9-12 June '11

Dear all,


Last week I participated in a training on the Art of Collaborative Leadership and Systemic Transformation. This was very valuable and I gathered my learnings in a document you find attached I want to share with you - see link:Harvest AOCL.


One of the keys I take with me is relationship and the power of storytelling! Based on this I want to invite you for an evening of storytelling, and coming together again sharing where we are on our journeys, what has brought us where we are now? Who feels called to this and who knows a place to lit the fire? 





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Replies to This Conversation

Naomi, thanks for your harvest! and maybe it is good to tell us where you are - in The Netherlands? (maybe it would be good to share your harvest also in the group of Collaborative Leadership? if you haven't done that)

Thank you, I live in Utrecht :-). I shared the harvest with the mailing list and it will become part of a collaborative harvest that's been made, good idea to share this one as well with the Collaborative Leadership group on this ning!



Count me in!

Hi Naomi,

Great to see the harvest! In case you're planning to do the fireside chat/storytelling before the 25th of June, count me in :) (I'm in the Netherlands right now).

Ha Naomi,

I can offer à place to lit THE fire. THE waarmakerij in Nijmegen Will be delighted to welcome you. If you set THE date i Will take care of reservations.
For me it Will be an opportunity to hook up and listen in and share my harvest and future plans.

Feel free to take up my offer.
Hi Naomi,

Read your harvest. Very moving and inspiring Thnx.


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