The Art of Hosting

From the emaillist, March 2015:

We just finished our AoH on Bowen and I’ve posted two blog posts connected to our dialogs around the Neurosciences, and Adverse Childhood Experiences, Personal Mastery and Resilience.

Neuroscience and ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Resources based on the work here in Washington and work nationally:

Draft Neuroscience and Social Justice Leadership Article:  which was created for a Social Justice Leaders program I helped host locally called Leading from the Heart. 





Hi dear Teresa,
Thank you for all those great resources!
Something you might like to add to your list: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician in the Bay Area, gave an excellent TEDMED talk a few months ago on the profound impact that childhood trauma has on adult-onset illness, and the work she and colleagues are doing to address it:
love, Christy
Hi Teresa!
Love your work.... so helpful to share understandings about stress and the brain!

I am writing particularly in response to the inquiry in your blog, on, "How do we develop individual and team practices to support healing & creative brilliance in times of uncertainty and radical change?"

the area that I and others have been exploring, is using cognitive empathy to "minimize interpersonal anxiety while maximizing creative tension"... i.e, create a field where differences can be explored safely and lead to greater systemic understandings.

We've found that in these contexts, people truly enjoy having passionate conversations about significant social issues...

I've begun to call this work "Dynamic Inquiry"... While it's clearly an outgrowth of my fifteen years exploring Dynamic Facilitation, I'm also wanting to acknowledge all of the other "streams" that have been nourishing my work... including my interest in neuroscience, and its various implications for our work with groups!

along those lines, I'm fascinated by having recently discovered Nancy Kline's "Time to Think"  work... on how human attention can create a fruitful "Thinking Environment" (which also includes feeling... :-)

anyway, lovely to see all of these convergences, and thank you again for your wonderful work!

with all best wishes,


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