The Art of Hosting

Nancy Bragard's Comments

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At 10:07am on August 28, 2018, Thomas Broessler said…

Hi Nancy,

thx for saying hello. I have added some fotos. Now one can "see" more (at least fotos)

At 2:30am on August 9, 2018, Josephine Wakeing said…
Thanks for the welcome Nancy! X
At 11:18pm on July 28, 2018, Nguyen Duc Vinh said…

Dear Nancy,

Thanks for your information. I did not know that the Art of Hosting seminar had offered in Vietnam last year. If another one is organized in Vietnam in the future I will try to participate in.

Have a nice weekend.

Vinh Nguyen

At 8:11pm on April 27, 2018, Loretta Bellato said…

Thanks Nancy, will do

At 5:33pm on March 22, 2018, Liberto Pereda said…

Thank you!

At 4:16am on March 20, 2018, Liberto Pereda said…

Thank you Nancy for your welcoming!

Photo uploaded ;)

Looking forward to keeping in touch.

Much love.

At 9:57am on February 5, 2018, Edith Daudet said…

merci Nancy pour cet accueil chaleureux , et oui un grand moment que ce séminaire de Sommières Toutes mes amitiés à Helen  et à bientôt certainement au moins sur le web.

At 11:02am on January 8, 2018, Major Pardeep Kumar shinh said…

Dear Nancy, 

I have filled the registration. I shall appreciate further guidance from your end.


Major Pardeep Kumar

At 10:24am on January 7, 2018, Major Pardeep Kumar shinh said…

Hello Nancy,

Thanks for your response.

I am quite keen to participate in an 'The Art Of Hosting' programme at your end. Kindly forward the details about the programme.  I am looking forward to get a learning experience and join this movement of hosting fruitful conversations.


At 11:58am on January 5, 2018, Major Pardeep Kumar shinh said…

i would like to join a Art Of Hosting program in India or Abroad in the near future. Kindly Inform me about the schedule of such program.

At 11:53am on January 5, 2018, Major Pardeep Kumar shinh said…

Nancy Bragard,

Thanks for a warm welcome. I feel previleged to be part of this community.I am new to the field of Art of hosting.I have been involved in conducting outdoor  as well as indoor training programs for the past ten years for variety of audience. Looking forward to have lots of learning experience in this  group.


At 10:08am on January 3, 2018, Richard Draaijer said…

Dear Nancy, thank you for making me feel welcome into this group. Just recently I have been introduced in the Art of Hosting by joining a course of three and a half days. Besides joining this course I have been harvesting the results in drawings which I probably will post later on. For now I am really curious what I can attribute to this group in order to spread the power of collective intelligence and personal development. Kind regards Richard

At 2:15pm on November 18, 2017, Marie-Pierre said…

Thanks Nancy

Happy to be part of this online community.

At 2:50pm on November 7, 2017, Chris Connolly said…

Thanks, Nancy! Appreciate the welcome and will do :)

At 10:14am on November 6, 2017, Hironori Yamaguchi said…

Nancy, thank you for the hospitality. I turned on the pictures. That is a formal picture with a tie wrapped around it, and I imagine it is not suitable for AoH networking. Of course, I will relax without a tie at hosting!

At 12:00pm on October 18, 2017, Kate Crisp said…

thanks for your welcome note Nancy, let me know if you are in the area!

At 4:24pm on October 12, 2017, Sylvia Beatrix Pereira said…
At 12:45pm on October 12, 2017, Sylvia Beatrix Pereira said…

Nancy, first of all, sorry for this one year late response! As I wrote on my profile, I was new at that time (2016) and also, didn't get any message showing your friendly welcome.
Thanks for welcoming me, and let's have a new start - or, a real one, at least! Regards, Sylvia Beatrix

At 6:15am on September 20, 2017, Maria Teresa Romelyn G Fabugais said…

Thank you very much, Nancy! I am really grateful for accepting me in this online community. More power! 

At 2:35pm on August 27, 2017, ana gomes said…

Hey Nancy, thanks for your kind welcome <3

I'm very happy to be part of International AoH community.



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