Ria Baeck


Kortenaken - Vlaanderen


Profile Information:

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I did my first Art of Hosting training in The Netherlands in 2005, and called and organised the first one in Belgium in 2006; followed by a next one in 2008. There was an immediate feeling, that this was what I had to do and connect with.
Since 2009 we are building a Community of Practice in Vlaanderen/Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. We did an AoH Training, but are now experimenting with Open Learning Days around a specific theme (Participation, Transition), which are quite succesful.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
The art of hosting conversations runs through my whole life; and is everywhere present in the work that I do - which has many faces. I'm one of the Stewards of this AoH network, and I'm fascinated by what is the energetic of what we do - what are we doing when we are holding space? This evolved into a circle of stewards which are holding the energetic core of the network; still very new and fresh in this network.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I have three fields of passion: supporting the AoH work in Belgium/Flanders; hosting the whole of the network and its knowledge; and connecting research and building research capacity within the network.
Where do you live/work?
I live in Belgium and work wherever I am called.
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I'm interested and fascinated by everything that is 'on the edge', but always in an embodied way. This has initiated Women Moving the Edge, out of which slowly is a book emerging...

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  • Lara

    Dag Ria,

    dat ken ik :) we ontmoetten elkaar daarna trouwens nog kort op de Dadel-dag in het Kaaitheater...

    je mag me zeker toevoegen aan de lijst van activelingen in Vlaanderen. Ik woon nog tot eind maart in Spanje, en daarna vertrek ik naar Duitsland, maar ik kom nog vaak (en graag) naar 'huis'. Ik wil de komende tijd heel graag meer ontwikkellen en vooral-doen- met AoH en je mag me ook zeker contacteren als je helpende handen (& hart & hoofd) nodig hebt!

    groet, Lara

  • Lara

    Over dadelen gesproken...

    Ken je timerepublik al? Dat is ook een startend netwerk, zoals dadelen, maar dan wereldwijd, met minuten ipv dadels :) Ik vindt vooral leuk dat het zo internationaal is. Helaas hebben ze in't het aanbod 'facilitator, procesbegeleider, etc. -nog- niet opgenomen. 

  • Lara

    Dag Ria,

    ja, ik was op de 3daagse in Planica, Slovenia vorig jaar. En ik heb ervan genoten. In zekere zin is m'n AoH leerreis heel erg verbonden met dat mooie land aan de andere kant van de Alpen. Ik stuur je dadelijk mn adres, dan kan je me op die geheimzinnige lijst zetten :) Hartelijke groet, L