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Emergent Theatre PH

As a group process, Emergent Theatre combines performance and dialogue in a safe, nurturing and compassionate space, acknowledging visible and invisible (tacit) elements to arrive at meaning and clarity. The process works for performers and non-performers alike, with exercises or activities influenced by different perspectives, approaches, and experiences from ritual and performing arts, social technologies, indigenous and radical philosophies and practices. It acknowledges the presence of Spirit that inspires creation, reflection and human interaction. Hence, performance becomes a sacred practice and the theatre a sacred space.
Emergent Theatre was intuitively developed by Janneke NEX Agustin in 2010, after years of searching for a theatre form that is healing and empowering. Publicly shared in recent years, Emergent Theatre hopes to reach more people in the country and the world from 2019 and onwards, to fulfill its mission and contribute to individual and collective transformation. Along with new, committed ET practitioners and a growing and supportive community, this theatre form continues to evolve and expand.